Principal Message

Home Principal Message

Dear Greenians!

Every child is a fountainhead of potential, which we at Green Model Higher Secondary School recognise and respect. It is our responsibility to nurture the creative spirit inherent in every child. A variety of facilities and opportunities are provided to our children so that they may hone their skills and maximise their potential. Their ability to produce work of a superlative nature is what never ceases to amaze us. Our children are our strength and inspiration. They challenge us to give of our best and thereby enrich the learning experience at school. A Greenian is a multi-faceted individual dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in his/ her chosen field. Neither will our students compromise with the high standards they set for themselves, nor with the values by which they lead their life. We wish to produce leaders who will take on responsibility and have the courage to be instruments of change. On completion of their schooling in Green Model Higher Secondary School, we trust we send into the world a well-rounded personality, compassionate and sensitive, imbued with a strong sense of self-worth, and confident to take on life’s challenges as they traverse the long and interesting road ahead.

OP Chandail
Principal GMHSS