
Home Mission

Our mission is to “Learn to Lead”. At Green Model, we actively encourage lateral thinking thus creating the leaders for the future by empowering them with the knowledge of the world and indulging in various extra-curricular activities.

Wehave a top-notch faculty working day in and day out to train the students to transform them into a better version of themselves. Our mission “Learn to Lead” epitomises the holistic development of our children and the training required to make them the flag bearers of a great and better India.

Throughout the journey of Green Model Hr. Sec. School, we have encouraged Inclusive Education which is a pairing of philosophy and pedagogy with the aim of ensuring that no child, however different from expectations and general norms, feels alienated and inadequate.

Each child must feel confident of himself or herself and his or her abilities and capacities, respected and wanted for what he or she is and therefore safe and secure.

With this comes learning and developing, taking into account differences in strengths and shortcomings. Out of 2100 strong school gives education to 25 girls without taking any tuition fees. In addition, school books and uniforms are provided to orphaned children studying in school.